Thursday, March 31, 2011

Special Soybeans

So, today we tried something new. Did it go perfectly...of course not! During B hour we had a few wrinkles to iron out. OF COURSE they call us down for pictures and interrupt us. However, we got the job done. We made newspaper pots using a modified version of the instructions found below:


So, the pots have the following benefits:

1. They are recycled and therefore, FREE!

2. They are biodegradable and contain soy-based ink.

3. They were actually pretty fun to make!

So the soybean project goes like this:

Each student received one soybean seed. The soybeans have the following genes:

Yellow plants, green plants, or yellow-green plants.

The reason some plants are "yellow-green" is because of the phenomenon known as "incomplete dominance" or "codominance." Rather than one color masking the other, when both alleles are present, the resulting color is a blend of yellow and green.

We will be analyzing our actual results against the results predicted with a Punnett Square. The predicted outcome is 50% yellow-green, and 25% green and 25% yellow!! WE SHALL SEE!

You can come check all of these neat things out at the Knight of Excellence on April 7th.

Tomatoes Day 3: I know, they look the same!!

Our Soybeans, Day 1: In our lovely newspaper pots.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Tomatoes Day 2...and the midterm....

I'm sorry, today is a very boring day! Not only do the tomatoes look EXACTLY like they did yesterday, but we are taking the midterm test today. So, I am doing some organizing and paperwork to try and find out what kids owe and whatnot.

SO Check with your child to find out what they owe!! They have a "last chance hand-in" for FULL credit until the end of school tomorrow. I really hope they take advantage of it!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Tomatoes Day 1!!

So, all of the kids will be counting them, but I had my C and D hour classes plant tomatoes today. They each got 3 seeds, a pot, and some soil. When they come up, we will analyze them for the following traits:

Color of seedling leaves:


But we will have to count them fast, because the yellows die soon after they start to grow!! We will be counting them and analyzing the numbers of each trait that show up, the number of seeds that germinated vs. the number of seeds we planted, etc!!

Here is the Day one pics:

Don't forget, the Midterm test is tomorrow...and IT COUNTS AS A TEST GRADE! Apparently there was some confusion because some students assumed that the math midyear not counting as a test grade meant the science didn't as well...but it does!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Intro to Mendel...cont'd

So today was one of those days when the kids had a MILLION questions. I wish I had the time to address them all, and that I knew all of the answers. They are so curious about why they look the way they do!

I did explain that we are currently only looking at traits in pea plants...and those are distinct. We discussed how traits such as height are controlled by an interaction of four genes along with environmental influences. We discussed how skin color is also controlled by multiple genes, and that's why two parents can have a variety of "shades" in their children (just look at my pale Irish boy and my slightly darker Italian boy).

And hair color, this is why the hair color can vary so much!

They are hooked, which is good! I love it when the kids are interested. It makes my day! Soon (maybe tomorrow, if we have time) we will be planting some tomato seeds...and some of them are MUTANTS!! Then when they grow, we will analyze the seedlings to find out if they are mutant or not...and then we will be looking at the alleles.

What's an allele? I guess you will just have a few more days until your kids will be PROS at explaining alleles to you!


Friday, March 25, 2011


They said 4 weeks...THEY LIED!

We have received a lot of the gardening supplies, and I am so excited.

Here is the composter, and the tools:

An awesome book that teaches you all about gardening:

A neat genetics project that involves growing tomatoes and learning about genes:

Our soil, to get us started (if anybody has any extra lying around feel free to drop it off)

These, I didn't have to order, since they were already here (probably older than the kids):

Some of the seeds:

AND the composter fully assembled (courtesy of myself and 8th grader Matt A.):

So, it looks like it's going to be getting underway VERY soon. I just want to make sure it is all well-planned out.

I hope everybody has an amazing weekend!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Extra credit!

Ok, so a new extra credit assignment: find a cool website about genetics, Mendel, or punnett squares! Then comment on this post with the link! Please use first names only!

Only rule: no wikipedia...we all know about that one:)

Midterm and "The Friar Who Grew Peas"

So, for the second year in a row...I cut my finger during MCAS. Next year I am wearing work gloves when handing out the booklets.

A couple of updates:

I have received word from Carolina Biological that some of our supplies are on their way. WOO HOO!

There will be a midterm on Wednesday. It will be on EVERYTHING we have done so far this year. Kids can study by looking through chapter one of "From Bacteria to Plants" online, as well as chapters one and two of the current book.

I have also posted another "Donors Choose" project, looking for more books to read to the kids! It is a smaller project, and if you haven't "Bing-ed" yet, you are still eligible for the $3. It won't be active on the site for another day or so though.

Why am I looking for books? Because I like to read to the kids to illustrate concepts. On Friday (tomorrow? already?) I will be reading the following book:

It is a great picture book, all about Gregor Mendel, and how he came to be the father of genetics. Such a SAD story though...make sure you ask your kids why it is a little sad on Friday night!!

One round of MCAS down, just Math in May to go! Hopefully I will make it through THAT ONE unscathed...but I am a little clumsy:)

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


So, unfortunately I don't get to see ALL of the kids today. Or yesterday. Or tomorrow. I have a hard time not being able to "teach" all day...but that's ok, because we are taking the ELA MCAS!

So, while I have been staring at the kids taking the test, I have also been brainstorming about our next unit(Heredity). It is my FAVORITE topic to teach, and it was what I did my biological research in college. Interestingly enough, I am not published in the field of genetics, but did the preliminary work on looking at the chalcone synthase gene in gesneriads and members of the genus st. paulia. zzzzzzzzzz I know.

On a more exciting front, I am published!! It, however, is through the American Society of Microbiology.

One of the activities I will be doing with the kids during this unit, but we don't JUST use bananas. We use any fruits and veggies the kids bring in!!

Another activity I co-authored with Dr. Gallo:

SO, in my few classes I have for science today, we are going to the computer lab!! While in the computer lab, we will be on doing a few, fun GIZMO activities! If you want to check it out, you can get a free 30 day trial, or even view some gizmos as a guest, and let me know what you thought by commenting below!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Garden Project is Funded!!

So, I happened upon a little website called "Donors Choose." It allows you to think of a project that will enhance your classroom, make a shopping list, and then post that list so donors can decide whether or not to give to your "cause." A couple of weeks ago I posted it...and it is now fully funded!!

I would like to thank the following organizations:
waiting for superman
Horace Mann Insurance

and of course...Mark Snyder of Snyder's Stoughton for advertising and helping me spread the word.

To all of the parents and community members who either donated or offered volunteer work and support...your kind words mean more to me than words can express!! I really appreciate you believing in me!

To see the project, you can go to my donor's choose site: I have started a second project, which is much less urgent since we don't have to fight the weather for that one!!

Once again, thank you!