Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Sprouted...and Odaiko New England

So today was Odaiko New England, aka the "Japanese Drummers." I took some video with my phone...so here are some of the videos:)

So today was Odaiko New England...Here are some video clips from the show!  The kids had a blast.  Not only did they get out of class...they learned a lot about the culture of Japan and the importance of the Japanese drumming.  Did you know that "odaiko" means "big fat drum?"

Soybean named "bungalow" 

I was out sick yesterday, which is always terrible because I hate missing class time (because I leave the kids work...and have no control over it...and the substitute makes their own decisions...) However, we make the best of it!  The best part was, there were sprouts in the soybeans!!  Soybeans germinate much faster than tomatoes.  So, we have one tomato sprouted and several soybeans!

a whole lotta soy!

Katie E's Soybean
Our ONE tomato sprout...only about 99 to go!

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