Thursday, April 14, 2011

Planting Day!

Today we planted seeds! Before planting, we were able to go over some fun facts about the different seeds we would be planting.

For instance, did you know that carrots can be red, purple, white or yellow? Or that they were the first commercially canned vegetable? The kids were surprised that carrots have seeds. Then we talked about what part of the "carrot" a "carrot" is...

Did you know that corn is grown on every continent except Antarctica? Or, did you know that a bushel of corn sweetens 400 cans of cola?

Peas were brought over from England with the first settlers, and they were one of the first crops that they successfully planted.

We also planted cucumbers, that are related to melons. The largest recorded cucumber weighed 59 lbs!

Then we planted sunflowers, and poppies and marigolds. The world needs flowers too!

In my C hour class, our friends from the TLC class and the Life skills class came over to join in. Once again, we had a great time! Each group was able to plant 8 different kinds of seeds...and hopefully when we get back from April Vacation we will see some progress!!

In my other classes, the kids planted various seeds, sometimes they even got to choose! They were very excited about the pumpkins. "Will they be there when we are in eighth grade?" I told them I hope so!!

I did take photos in my C-hour class. I was VERY impressed with how the kids in my D, E and G hour classes remembered how to make paper pots, and did so successfully! I let them choose to plant whatever they wanted! (not a lot chose radishes).

So, as we roll into April Vacation, we will be coming back to some germination!

Hopefully, soon the weather will shape up in the evenings, and we will be able to transfer our plants outside!

I will probably not blog tomorrow, as most kids are going to NYC or Quebec...but HAVE A HAPPY VACATION!! I will be in Niagara Falls, not looking at the waterfalls though, just visiting mom:)

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